Polish publications
Durkacz-Foremska Anna - "Kings in Przemyśl. Coins of the rulers of Poland in the collection of the National Museum of the Przemysl Region, Przemyśl 2023, ISBN 9788366840287
112 pages in B5 format, soft cover, the book contains numerous color illustrations and photos, including life-size photos of coins; a publication presenting the museum's collection of Polish coins and those in monetary circulation in Poland. The book is based on a clear factual structure and chronology. The basis of the four chapters introduced is taken as the trade exchangers of commodity values, starting from the non-monetary period through the denarius period, the grosz period, to the gold period. Each chapter begins with a concise characterization of the medium of exchange, followed by information on the rulers of Poland and their ties to Przemyśl and the Przemyśl area. An important component of the overall study is the description of coins, and brief information on each monetary system exhausts the cognitive needs of its potential audience. Also presented are issues concerning the direct and indirect references of individual Polish rulers to the city, the starosty castle and the land of Przemyśl, which makes it possible to learn about the extent of influence of the monetary system, as one of the elements of centralization of economic and political life of the Polish lands, bound by the monarchy.